part of J & A Creed (Services) Ltd group of businesses.
We are based in the Scottish North Highlands, and havec been carrying out In-House Inspection and Testing of Electrical Appliances or PAT Testing as it is more well known since 2011.
With an increasing number of clients who now book me for yearly visits,(Sometimes up to two years in advance) I have reluctantly made the decision to only attend clients who will commit to using my services yearly. I realise that those clients who have only wanted my services every two years will now be effected by this decision which takes effect from the 24th October 2024. I thank them for their business that they have given me in the past years.
I will continue to take new clients who commit to yearly inspections and testing.
WARNING:- From experience of our customers, the cheapest is not always the best. It takes time to properly inspect and test the appliances. If you have 100+ items, expect one person to take at least 6 hours. A firm taking less are probably just putting a sticker on it and not inspecting and testing it properly and leaving you, your staff or customers possibly at risk of a fire or electric shock.
We do strongly recommend that before using another company/person, can they answer yes to the following questions:-
Do they have their equipment recalibrated yearly, and if so can they produce the certificate?
Do they carry £5million worth of insurance for their work and public liability?
Do they have an physical address on their web site to prove that they are based in Scotland?
Are they using the current IET Code of Practice? (CoP) If they are using labels with next date due on on them, they are clearly they are using a very old Code of Practice (before 2012) So unlikely to be up to date with current CoP.
If they cannot say yes to all of the above, please consider going to our 'About us' page for contact details.
As a business we recognise that you may find it hard to arrange a time to allow us to carry out a PAT test is not always easy. We can help by working with you by trying to arrange to carry out the testing when it suits you or your firm.
We do not charge mileage on the first 60 miles, after that we do, but do talk to us first, as a lot depends on the quantity of items to be tested and if we are testing other properties in the vacinity to where you are based. (Check the Calendar which shows booked dates and where we will be working.)
As we run another business (Scottish Highland Products) we are occasionally at outside events like Markets, Highland Games and Sutherland County Shows. We show those events on our other website.
Scottish Government Statutory Guidence on Electrical Installations and Appliances in Private Rented Property Section 13(4A) and 19B(4)of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989,
Health and Safety at Work (Etc) Act 1974,
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2003,
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
and most up to date
The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment (5th Edition) 2020